Mobile app development has been a multi-dimension process, with several key aspects like design, development, delivery, and testing. When it comes to the development approach, businesses and app developers has been relying on two different approaches.
- Waterfall Approach
- Agile Approach
The waterfall approach is more of a traditional approach with a manufacturing process like development. While Agile relies on incremental iterations that improve on every feedback of the predecessor iteration. When it comes to acceptance, there is no doubt that the waterfall approach has been around for quite some time and has quite a following! But, 56% of CIOs preferring to invest in the Agile approach makes it a worthy method to use for your app development process.
And then there is Scrum, which is actually an Agile method. But, there has been some misconception around Agile vs.Scrum. So, here we are going to explore what is the exact difference between the Agile and Scrum approach for app development.
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What is Agile?
Agile is an iterative approach with a unique concept of “Sprints”, which provides rapid app development process and enhanced app features. It applies a team-based approach with regular feedback to each team on the development task. Sprints are short-time tasks assigned to different teams and at the end of the sprint, every task is evaluated.
For the app development process, there are several aspects and with Agile all of them can be put to task at the same time in short sprints at the end of which you can evaluate, integrate changes and go for further iterations. So, in common terms, you can develop an app very fast with all the tasks synchronized in the Agile approach.
What is Scrum?
Scrum is actually an Agile app development process that helps businesses transform their app ideas into reality through an incremental build. With Scrum methodology, the app iterations are shared with users to receive feedbacks every two or three weeks and feedbacks received is integrated into the next iteration.
It is an approach used by businesses that want mobile apps to accommodate constant changes in user’s feedbacks. It means that with every iteration, you can make the necessary changes as required.
Agile Vs.Scrum: The approach
For Agile, the approach is incremental and iterative, where iterations are divided into “Sprints” that are tasks assigned to different teams and these teams provide feedbacks with task reports at the end of the sprint. But, with the Scrum, there is an audience involved.
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Scrum includes users into the process of feedback integration and development of the next incremental iteration. This improves the process with constant integration of changes and requirements being integrated into the app development making it more functional and user-friendly.
Agile Vs.Scrum: The Project
The agile approach is perfect for small projects, which need more expertise as the team has to complete certain tasks in the short stint-” Sprint” and to commemorate the enclusion of feedback from the team on each iteration, you need expertise. So, shorter or small projects with expert development processes attract Agile processes.
Scrum methodology is for larger projects with constant changes needed. Here, the focus remains continuous changes as per the requirements of users. So, more than the expertise faster integration of features according to user preferences and development of a newer iteration for the user review is necessary.
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Take an example of two different apps, for an app related to innovative technologies like Artificial Intelligence or say IoT(Internet of Things), businesses would prefer the Agile approach. But, if you are looking to develop an app for say on-demand taxi, you need to have consumer feedback and here Scrum scores high!
Agile Vs.Scrum: The Management
Agile needs to have more staunch leadership as leadership plays an important role, during the sprints and integration of inputs observed during the sprint. Proper leadership can determine the effective planning and scheduling of each sprint with its execution.
On the other hand, Scrum uses more self-organizing type management. Here, the execution of development can be cross-functional and teams are also formed on cross-functional abilities.
Agile Vs.Scrum: Development Process
For app development, Agile is more of a rigid process with the need for pre-planning. Scrum is a more flexible development process and team collaboration is achieved with the assignment of fixed roles to scrum master, product owners, and other team members.
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With Agile businesses and development companies to define up-front organizational changes and requirements. But, with Scrum, changes in requirements can be integrated and even there is no need for too many changes in the organizational structure.
Agile Vs.Scrum: Deployment and Delivery
Deployment of apps becomes easy with both Agile and Scrum, but, then Scrum makes it easier with the continuous integration. But, with the frequent need for delivery in an Agile approach, it helps faster delivery. While Scrum delivers an incremental build instead of a fully developed app.
In other terms, Scrum facilitates app development where incremental iterations are used. For example. you might have experienced beta versions of apps being offered by developers to test the app’s features and functionality.
According to your feedback and requirements, they make changes up to a certain point where they can publish a full-stack version of the app. While apps that are developed based on Agile methods develope iterations that are versions of the app that are developed with the inclusion of changes from their earlier versions.
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Singing Off: With Agile methods, mobile app development has reached its pinnacle point in the ongoing digital era. Though Scrum is actually an Agile method, there are other Agile methods like XP(Extreme Programming), Kanban and others. Here we have discussed the possibility of whether to choose Scrum or any other Agile method for your mobile app development.
So, if you are wondering what to choose from? Then more than anything it is a matter of perspective. If you are considering a small scale project with more expertise and up-front definition of the complete development structure, you can go for any other Agile method and if you are considering a large scale project with an incremental build which involves consumer engagement on every iterative development, you should go for Scrum!
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