Simple Ways To Increase PHP Memory Limit In WordPress

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Many recent users who have just converted site to WordPress will be unaware of some unique features of the platform. PHP which is a server-side programming language is a vital constituent of the CMS.

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There are different kinds of warning messages that can be generated when a PHP memory limit error occurs.

Types Of Error Messages Related To PHP Memory Limit

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When you try to upload a file and receive a warning that it exceeds the limit, you can use this method. First, access your hosting account and go to the cPanel. . High accuracy and noise immunity. Minimum power requirement.

Update The php.ini File

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Modify The .htaccess File

In case the above method does not resolve the issue, try this one. This process involves modifying the .htaccess file which is a configuration file.

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Edit The wp-config.php File

Another way to increase PHP memory limit in WordPress is by editing the “wp-config.php” file. It is one of the most important and core files of interfaces built with the CMS.

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It is essential to know the ways to increase PHP memory limit in WordPress or else you will continue to encounter irritating error messages.   

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Simple Ways To Increase PHP Memory Limit In WordPress