The Boon Of Modern Medicine Is Stem Cell Therapy

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Human life begins as a single cell called the zygote. This cell divides itself repeatedly. Thus the early growth is multiplicative in nature.

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The stem cells are a special type of cells that have the ability to grow into any type of cell and form vital organs.

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Role of Stem Cells

The blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones and nutrients from one region to another. They also help in raising immunity levels and preventing major diseases.

Treatment For Life-Threatening Diseases

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Source of Stem Cells

In adults, the stem cells are present in the brain, bone marrow, blood vessels, skeletal muscles, liver, etc. But adult stem cells are not pluripotent, that is, they lose the ability to transform into any type of cell.

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Controversies And Research

In research labs, stem cells are modified artificially to form myocardial tissues and this, if implemented, could be a relief for heart and sugar patients.

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Stem Cell Therapy: A Boon Of Modern Medicine