What are the challenges and risks of IoT and Blockchain?

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The scalability problem vis-a-vis the size of Blockchain ledger may effectuate into centralization.

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Scalability issues

The Blockchain based IoT ecosystem is comprised of diverse devices that function on different computing capabilities.

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Processing power and time

The ledger has to be stored on the nodes themselves, and the ledger will definitely augment its size over a period of time.

Storage will be a big problem

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What are the risks of using Blockchain in IoT?

Since Blockchain is a relatively new technology and is in a very nascent stage, there may be numerous problems swept under the rug and have not been detected.

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Vendor Risks

The present-day trend is that most of the organizations looking to induct blockchain-based applications deploy the system completely in-house.

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Credential Security

Blockchain is a very safe technology and the security is beefed up by its high-security levels.

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Legal and Compliance

There is no jurisprudence in the domain of blockchain technology which means there is a lack of a framework that determines right and their infringements.

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What are the Challenges and Risks that are possessed by IoT & Blockchain