What is the importance of nutrition for athletes to win races?

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An athlete’s body should be like a finely tuned engine that uses glycogen as its fuel as what may seem like a sure victory may turn out to be a defeat when energy supplies are low.

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As per the best nutritionist in Hyderabad, inadequate nutrition leads to an athlete being less likely to achieve peak performance and may even lead to muscle breakdown instead of build up.

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Carbohydrates are the source of fuel for the body but they are one of the many foods that an athlete needs. 

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Calcium helps to strengthen bones and iron helps to carry oxygen to the muscles. 

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Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals help obtain energy from food and prevent illness and hence an athlete should eat a balanced diet including lots of different fruits and vegetables

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Fats shouldn’t be ignored for athletes that are needed for long-lasting energy when carbs are burnt off.

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Salt tablets

Salt tablets are taken to avoid dehydration but too much of salt can cause nausea, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea and may damage the stomach lining.

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How Important is Nutrition For Athletes to Win The Race?