Please, tell me do all research papers need a thesis? and what’s the difference between research paper and dissertation?
Asked: December 11, 20192019-12-11T04:22:42+00:00
2019-12-11T04:22:42+00:00In: Education
Do all research papers need a thesis?
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No. Research papers and thesis are two different concepts. They have different purposes and needs. A research paper mostly refers to a piece of academic essay writing that you write and submit in your class periodically. It’s part of your academic calendar. Thesis is the document that you will submit (usually at the end of your semester or course work) to get your academic degrees.
We can say that every thesis is a research paper but not vice versa. Apart from the purpose, there are several other differences between thesis and research paper. We are highlighting some of them below for you.
In a nutshell, we can say that both research paper and thesis require a strong level of understanding of the subject. And, with thorough study, you can easily write any of these without much worries.