How frequently do you use your credit card? Are you a frequent user or an occasional one? Do you use your credit card to settle your restaurant bills? Do you like using your credit card to buy stuff online? Has demonetization made you more dependent on your credit card offers? Has it happened that you been charged more than once for any purchase? Is it common for you to receive calls and e-mails asking for information about your credit card particulars? In case you agree to any of these questions arose, this article can be beneficial to you. These 12 super savior tips can prevent you from becoming a victim of credit card fraud.
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Following are the tips listed below you need to keep in mind to have a safe edge on your credit card and not fall in the debt trap:
How To Save Yourself From Credit Card Debt?
Sign it On:
Signing on your credit card is very important. As and when you get your credit card, sign on the back of it in the provided space. There are high chances of misuse of your credit card if you leave it unsigned and in case it gets stolen, the other person might use your credit card even without your information.
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Do not mention your details on the card:
Writing the credit card PIN on the credit card itself can be the biggest mistake one can do; it is an open invitation for the credit card to be misused. Another person can use your credit card for transactions and might use it for illegal purposes as well.
Do not keep all your personal information with your credit card:
Never carry your PIN information and other such critical personal details in your wallet along with your credit card, if your wallet gets lost you could land yourself in big troubles.
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Nothing can be better if you can memorize the CVV number as it is the best way to save yourself from any fraud and misfortune.
Stay Alert:
Don’t be a fool responding to SMS and e-mails asking for your credit card details. It is not at all recommended to provide your essential information over the phone unless you have made the call and are talking to your bank or financing agency.
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Check the number of transactions carefully:
Always be careful with the amount of your transaction. Ensure that after making any transaction you are not charged twice. This usually happens in the case of credit cards.
Look for authentic websites:
Never use your credit card to make transactions from the unsecured websites. They can steal your information and fool you in scams.
Never keep your login information saved:
Make it a point to always log out from the website after making any online payment or transaction.
Monitor your monthly statements properly:
Do check for the monthly statement of your account it would help you analyze your expenditure as well as keep you aware if anything is wrong with the bill you receive.
Keep your bank Updated:
Make it a point to inform your bank immediately in case you change any of your details mentioned with them, for example, your address.
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Have an up to date with your anti-virus software:
Practice making online transactions only through trusted websites and have updated anti-virus software to protect it from malicious sites.
Do report as soon as possible if you find any suspicious activity:
As soon as you suspect any unknown transaction that occurs from your card, or if your credit card has been misused, report it immediately to the bank and get your credit card blocked as and then.
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Following the steps mentioned above can be a life savior when it comes to the credit card and can save you from huge problems.
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