I just got my baby, and now I’ve added so much weight. I’m so frustrated, and I don’t know how to lose weight”, does this sound like you? If yes, there is no need to panic. There are several things you can do to not only lose weight but lose weight the right way! Read on:
Let’s take a wild guess. You just delivered your little bundle of joy, and you’re very excited. Still, amid that delight, you’re afraid because you don’t know anything about how to lose weight.
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And now you’re cowering in fear wondering whether you’ll regain the bikini body you once had. Well, the good news is, other moms have successfully lost weight after pregnancy. All new moms experience this. It’s only natural for your body to change after pregnancy. You might see changes such as softer belly, wider waist, and hips or stretch marks.
So what now?
Although you can’t make all the weight disappear in a fortnight like a fairy godmother, there are a few things that can help you lose weight fast in a healthy way.
Let’s dive right in.
Ways to Lose Weight after Pregnancy
1. Have Achievable Goals
If you are looking for healthy ways to lose weight in a day, then you’re out of luck. For many women, drastic weight loss is only possible using unhealthy methods. While we all wish, all the extra fat could magically disappear immediately – our baby arrives- no one does, not even celebrities!
A woman’s body needs time to relax and heal after pregnancy, and it’s recommended you wait for a few months before you start trying to lose weight. Also, if you’re breastfeeding, a strict diet may affect the quantity and quality of your milk supply.
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Try a gradual approach to lose that weight. A goal to lose a pound and a half is realistic and safe.
2. Eat Healthy Foods
Eating the right food will help you stay healthy when increasing weight loss. Ensure your meals have enough vegetables and fruits, along with other foods that improve the quality of milk, such as fish fillet. Talking of fish fillet, you can check out our list of the best knife for filleting fish. It will save you time when preparing your fillet, and that’s a big plus for a new mom.
Other foods to incorporate to your diet include:
● Lean beef
● Whole white bread
● Seeds and nuts
● Eggs
● Brown rice
● Low-fat dairy products
● Legumes
● Oranges
● Low-fat dairy products
Before committing to any diet, kindly consult your practitioner on the best diet to lose weight.
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3. Do Not Crash and Burn
A crash diet isn’t the best way to lose weight. It causes tiredness, which may lead to gaining more weight at some point. Instead, work towards consuming enough calories through healthy options. It is especially important as a new mom because you need a lot of energy.
A postnatal nutrition plan should have at least 3 to 5 meals a day. It is because, as a new mom, it may be challenging to sit down for a full meal. Small meals and healthy snacks in between can help keep your health intact.
Avoid missing meals as it may lead to more cravings during the day. Breakfast is especially important in keeping you energized and satiated.
4. Join an Accountability Group
The weight loss journey isn’t easy, especially if you’re trying to do it alone. Joining hands with other new moms trying to lose the baby fat keeps you motivated.
You can also encourage your spouse to support you by keeping away all the unhealthy snacks out of reach and exercising with you.
If you can’t think of any accountability partner, hire a trainer to ensure you’re consistent.
5. Be Aware of Your Cravings
After giving birth, you’ll possibly be feeling tired and sleep-deprived. It can trigger your cravings for unhealthy foods. Understanding what brings such cravings can help in finding a better solution. For example, you may ask your partner to watch the baby for a few nights to allow you to get enough sleep.
Avoid the following after delivering:
● Alcohol
● Saturated foods
● Fried foods
● Processed foods
● Refined sugar
● Sugary drinks
6. Drink Enough Water
Water has been a solution to multiple problems since the existence of moms. And it still is when it comes to losing weight. Drinking plenty of water will keep you saturated, boost your metabolism, and even curb your cravings! It’s especially vital for breastfeeding moms because your body will be using more water to produce milk.
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Drinking one or two liters of water a day may be a good baseline. Yet, as gross as this may sound, the color of your urine can be a great indicator as to whether you’re drinking enough water or not.
If you’re drinking the required amount, your urine should be light yellow, and you’ll need to pee every 3 to 4 hours.
7. How to Lose Weight through Exercising
After your doctor has cleared you, it’s time to start exercising and get that summer body back. Below are exercises to get you started.
● Squats
● Pelvic tilts
● Lunges
● Lateral pelvic tilts
● Oblique curls
● Ab curls
Don’t forget to do your Kegels too. The latter helps you with strengthening your pelvic muscles. You can also try these exercises for new moms.
8. Avoid Negative Self-Talk At All Costs
If you’re doing all the above and you are still trying to find the answer to, “why can’t I lose weight” then the problem might be your attitude.
Sounds silly? It’s not. Every creation is first completed in the mind before it happens in reality.
Practicing affirmations to help you stay positive and love your current self may make the whole process easier. We know it’s such a cliché, but it doesn’t hurt to try, right? It may just surprise you.
Ready to Get Rid of That Baby Fat?
The first thing you need to understand is that the weight will eventually go away if you follow the right process. We know you want to get your pre-baby body. And deep down, you might even be ashamed of your current weight and body changes. There’s nothing wrong with having these feelings. We have all been there.
Take it easy on yourself. Allow your body to heal as you work on your inner workings and then start exercising once your doctor clears you.
Know more: What Are The Health Benefits Of Moringa?
Have you started your weight loss journey? How has it been so far? Comment below and tell us about your wins and challenges.
Author Bio: It was like a dream come true for Holly Miller to stay a vegetarian for 3 years. She depends on her kitchen juicer and other cooking appliances that help her to make a satisfying meal each time. Likewise, she is happy to keep a healthy, mindful diet throughout her life. And she writes about food on mykitchenadvisor.com
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